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The Top Halloween Safety Tips 2022
Updated October 2022
Halloween Safety Tips 2022

Quick Points for Lazy Readers:
- Avoid Full-Face Masks
- Understand that Long Costumes are More Dangerous
- Nocturnal Animals Do Not Know it is Halloween
- Be sure to Watch Your Footing
- Avoid Shortcuts Through the Woods–That Hardly ever turns out well for anybody.
Halloween is a great opportunity to celebrate with friends and family, but there are many things you should keep in mind this year to keep you and your kids safe. In addition to avoiding tripping hazards, you should wear safe costumes and avoid putting on toxic face paint. Children shouldn’t wear loose clothing, which can be a tripping hazard or a strangulation hazard. It is also important to be aware of the time of day, since the days are getting shorter and it will be darker quicker. Please don’t let your children walk or run barefoot. Keep your children close to you. Costumes can make them blend in with other children and with their surroundings. Lastly, don’t give your child baked goods and large candies, which are choking hazards. Rationing your child’s candy is a good way to avoid choking hazards and limit their sugar intake in one setting.
Avoiding full-face masks
Full-face masks aren’t only distracting, but they’re also a potential source of skin infections and hospital visits. Luckily, there are ways to prevent these problems and ensure your child doesn’t end up in the hospital during the festivities. Make sure your child wears a mask that’s designed correctly. Your child’s mask should allow enough air to circulate and have large enough eye holes so that your child can see clearly. If you’re buying a full-face mask, have your child wear a sample first to ensure proper fit before purchase.
Another way to avoid full-face Halloween masks is to choose face paint or decorative hats. Masks can decrease visibility and put children at risk of falling into holes and other hazards. Be careful with application of makeup on a child’s whole face. Allergic reactions can cause an otherwise fun night into a nightmare visit to the ER.
Finally, wearing dark colored full-face masks can result in drivers or cars and trucks filing to see individuals crossing the street–especially during evening hours.
Avoiding long costumes

Long, flowing costumes are not only uncomfortable, but they can be dangerous, too. For example, they can become caught in bicycle gears and rotating doors. They can also cause foot discomfort, which increases the risk of slips and falls. Although many of these long skirted costumes are federally flame-resistant, you still need to be mindful of long fabric items causing injury to your child. Check that the item is the proper fit for your child. You don’t want a costume your child will trip in nor do you want one so tight or revealing that your child cannot move about comfortably.
With so many neighborhood children and parents out on the streets during Halloween festivities, it is more important than ever to obey traffic rules and stay safe.
Avoiding nocturnal animals
It is important to avoid wild animals during Halloween night. Even carved pumpkins can attract wild animals, and nocturnal creatures often seek shelter in grassy areas. If you’re going trick-or-treating, you need to be aware of nocturnal animals, and be sure to keep string lights out of reach. If possible, hang them against the exterior of a building.
You should also keep your pets inside on Halloween. Pets can get frightened by loud noises, so make sure they’re in a quiet room with a door closed. Providing water and special pet treats for your pets is also a great idea. This will allow you to relax and enjoy the Halloween festivities with your family and friends while your pets stay safe.
Avoiding tripping hazards
Avoiding tripping hazards is an important part of your Halloween celebration. You must make sure that any walkways are well-lit and well-marked, and that there are no unseen obstacles. Make sure your child’s costume is not too long. Bring a few safety pins with you in case you need to adjust the length of your child’s costume. Also make sure that the floors of your home are clear of any make-up debris which can cause the surface to be slick resulting in a potential fall.
It’s also important to take extra precautions when decorating your yard for Halloween. Be sure to mark all of your decorations and make sure they aren’t a tripping hazard. If you have outdoor garden hoses or extension cords, be sure to keep them away from walkways.
Locking the front door
While it may be tempting to leave your front door unlocked for trick-or-treating, this is a dangerous practice. Leaving it unlocked makes it easier for a burglar to break into your home and steal items, which could damage your property or injure a family member.
Even if you plan to leave your home during the evening to go trick-or-treating with the neighborhood children, you should always lock the front door before leaving the house. This is especially important during the Halloween season, when thieves are looking for empty homes. You should also avoid leaving a bowl of candy outside the front door, or a sign reading “take one piece only.” These can all be indicators that a house is vacant and easy to break into.
Avoiding shortcuts
Using a main road instead of a shortcut is the best way to drive safely on Halloween night. Pedestrians will be less likely to cross the road in front of you, and you will have more time to react if an accident occurs. Also, it will save you gas and wear and tear. Also, avoid driving through neighborhoods, which may be decorated with creepy decorations and kids in costumes.
Another way to stay safe on Halloween is to drive slowly and only through well-lit neighborhoods. When driving, pay attention to the road and follow all traffic laws. Walking is also safe, but be sure to know where you’re going and don’t take any shortcuts. It’s also a good idea to wear reflective tape or material so that others can see you easily.